Gomalan Brass Quintet

Founded by Marco Pierobon and Marco Braito, trumpets, Nile Caracristi, horn, Dalmar Nur Hussen, trombone, Alessandro Fossi, tuba, in 2000 took over Gianluca Scipios on trombone and Oswald Prader tuba. Alessandro Fossi returned to its original place in 2008 but subsequently Stefano Ammannati replaced him outright. In 2001 the group won the international competition “city of Passau” in Germany. Its components establish a direct contact with the public and highly addictive thanks to the theatricality found during their performances. Their repertoire is vast and well groomed and stylistically ranges from the Renaissance to the tracks contemporaries for brass quintet, across virtually all ages and musical styles. In 2001, Verdi Celebrations for the Gomalan Brass brings to the stage “Aida” by Giuseppe Verdi in the form of musicals, reduced to 55 minutes and only 5 characters/musicians/singers on stage. Much appreciated are their interpretations of film music. Music critics and great conductors are unanimous in judging one of the best brass quintets in existence.