Breath in a Ram’s Horn – composer Daniel Asia

Breath in a Ram’s Horn – composer Daniel Asia
Catalog number: 336


01 Breath in a Ram's Horn - Mvt. 1. What do we know?
comp: Daniel Asia
02 Breath in a Ram's Horn - Mvt. 2. Old Medals Prayer Shawls
03 Breath in a Ram's Horn - Mvt. 3. Job Longed for the Grave
04 Breath in a Ram's Horn - Mvt. 4. Rosh Hashana/ Yom Kippur
05 Breath in a Ram's Horn - Mvt. 5. My Father's Name
06 Pines Songs - Mvt. 1. White Pillars
comp: Daniel Asia
07 Pines Songs - Mvt. 2. I'll Never Understand
08 Pines Songs - Mvt. 3. A Little Girl
09 Pines Songs - Mvt. 4. Dear Frank
10 Pines Songs - Mvt. 5. I Walk Out
11 An E.E. Cummings Songbook - 1. quick I the death
comp: Daniel Asia
12 An E.E. Cummings Songbook - 2. luminous tendrill
13 An E.E. Cummings Songbook - 3. hair you're a brook
14 An E.E. Cummings Songbook - 4. three wealthy sisters
15 An E.E. Cummings Songbook - 5. feather rain
16 An E.E. Cummings Songbook - 6. I'm asking
17 An E.E. Cummings Songbook - 7. when faces called flowers
18 An E.E. Cummings Songbook - 8. if a cheerfullness
19 An E.E. Cummings Songbook - 9. (swooning) a pillar of youngly
20 An E.E. Cummings Songbook - 10. this day died again
21 An E.E. Cummings Songbook - 11. dying is fine
22 An E.E. Cummings Songbook - 12. blossoming are people
23 An E.E. Cummings Songbook - 13. two old
24 An E.E. Cummings Songbook - 14. if the green opens
25 An E.E. Cummings Songbook - 15. the great advantages

American classical music has finally taken a sharp turn for the better – back towards tonality, accessibility and immediacy. Daniel Asia is one of the composers who has his hands on the wheel. He’s an important new voice and Breath in a Ram’s Horn is the best possible way to find out what his fresh and engaging music is all about. -Terry Teachout

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